Iditarod and 1925 Serum Run!

Steve levi

The Iditarod commemorates the 1925 Serum Run that saved Nome from an outbreak of diphtheria. Author/Historian/Humorist, Steve Levy, gives us a lesson in history - and makes it fun! 

Visit the Big Alaska Show Book Review Section and check out Steve Levy's book about the Gold Rush:

Steve Levi makes the Alaska Gold Rush(es) come alive and makes you glad you weren’t there! Fortunately, we have Steve’s book, The Human Face of the Alaska Gold Rush

The Human Face of The Alaska Gold Rush by Steve LeviSteve Levi Author Page — The Big Alaska Show

Teacher on the Trail!

The Iditarod Education Outreach is something we champion. The 2019 Teacher on the Trail, Brian Hickox, joined us to share what it's like to become the TOT and what it took to get the highly coveted position.

Listen to the fun podcast!

Steve Levi Time Stamp 5:55

Brian Hickox Time Stamp 28:42

Iditarod Education Future is Bright!

Iditarod Education Future is Bright!

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Iditarod Director of Education, Jane Holmes, has reason to be excited. Iditarod educational opportunities abound, not only for the future but happening right now! Jane describes the variety and creative real-life lessons that come from the Iditarod. Plus, it's fun!

To contact Jane Holmes email or visit

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Check out our podcast with Jane and our interview with the 2019 Iditarod Teacher on the Trail, Brian Hickox. If you think of a teacher who might enjoy sharing Iditarod lessons and excitement with their students, send them Jane Holmes'contact information. She'd love to hear from them!

Alaska State Trooper Jobs!                                                                                                               

The Alaska State Troopers are hiring and adding a $20,000 cash incentive! Co-host, Mike Ford, gets that facts in this interview!