Big Alaska Show Tourists, Guests and Tales!


Alaska’s tourism industry took a big hit this year. So we invited our Big Alaska Show Guest Tourist, Henry Lenz, a retired CBS radio engineer who worked with broadcast legends, to come visit us. It’s fun to get to know and appreciate our visitors – and their money ... especially their money! We even celebrated his birthday with a Tall Alaska Tale! (We “forgot” to tell him we win our own prizes!) Author, Lolo Paige, a former firefighter with the Bureau of Land Management, joins us to give a sneak preview of her book, Alaska Spark, plus much more!

Hear the full podcast:

The Big Alaska Show August 23rd 2020
The Big Alaska Show
Alaska Spark.jpg

Former Alaskan Bureau of Land Management firefighter, Lolo Paige, talks about her book, Alaska Spark!

We’ll have Lolo Paige back to discuss her book once I read it!

In the meantime, you can check it out for yourself.


Find ALASKA SPARK on Amazon

Alaska Spark Interview with author Lolo Paige
The Big Alaska Show

Big Alaska Show Guest Tourist

Henry Lenz and his cousin Jerry

Henry Lenz and his cousin Jerry

Henry Lenz shares stories about a remarkable broadcast career with Walter Cronkite, Dan Rather and more! Plus we play Tall Alaska Tales!

Guest Tourist Henry Lenz with Tall Alaska Tale
The Big Alaska Show