Ron Holmstrom Tribute

Although Alaska lost a shining star for the film/theater/television/arts community, we remember the legacy Ron Holmstrom leaves behind. Today's show features Ron Holmstrom sharing stories about his part in the movie, The Frozen Ground, featuring John Cusack and Nicholas Cage. We even had fun with Ron in our impromptu and chaotic radio drama, Inappropriate Product Placement Theatuh!

Listen to our virtually commercial free podcast!

To hear the full August 31, 2013 interview go to:

Actors Behind the Scenes

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Actor/Meteorologist, Robert Forgit, and his acting coach, Mary McCusker, from LA join us! Robert attributes working with Mary key to getting a major role in the movie, “The Frozen Ground”, with Nicholas Cage and John Cusack. Mary came to Alaska to work on the movie “Big Miracle” and fell in love with it. Plus, Mary discusses her new book, Auditioning: What They Say When You Leave the Room. (See Book Review Section) 

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Taken in the makeup trailer during the filming of “Big Miracle”, Mary wears this original coat from cast member Ahmao Sweeney's grandmother, an Inupiat native Alaskan. Mary developed a special relationship with the Native Alaskan cast, and as Mary said, “I fell in love with Alaska!”

We recall a longtime Thanksgiving tradition, the Great Alaska Shootout, and revisit the first UAA basketball team, the Sourdoughs!

Sara Juday, author of From Sourdoughs to Seawolves discusses the first University of Alaska Anchorage basketball team.

Listen to the Podcast!

The Iditarod 2021 and The Frozen Ground!

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Co-host, Mike Ford, will need a strong cup of broadcast brew to keep up with our guests! Actor, Robert Forgit, talks about his role and experience as detective and partner to Nicolas Cage in “The Frozen Ground”! Filmed in Anchorage, Netflix announced this movie as #1 on their hit list reaching 100 million viewers!

Then, Iditarod CEO, Rob Urbach, updates us on the 49th Iditarod in 2021! Planning around a pandemic channels the 1925 Serum Run and the Iditarod Nation!

Iditarod 2020 Summer Raffle information visit or call (800) 545-6874 

Download the full podcast sans commercials:

Robert Forgit talks about his part in The Frozen Ground.

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Iditarod CEO Rob Urbach gives 2021 Iditarod Update.

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100 Million Viewers!

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Netflix announced the 2013 movie thriller, The Frozen Ground, filmed in Alaska and featuring Nicholas Cage and John Cusack had received #1 billing by reaching 100 million viewers!

 Whoa! That got our attention! So we asked a couple of friends from the cast and crew to join us on the Big Alaska Showa and take us behind the scenes. Ron played an attorney and Rose was with the crew from LA.

Based on a true story about a serial killer in Alaska, John Cusack plays the Robert Hansen, the bad guy, and Nick Cage plays Detective Jack Holcomb, the good guy.  There’s more too it of course.

But save yourself time and listen to our podcast to hear Rose and Ron tell what it’s like to work with John and Nick as well as some other behind the scenes tales!

Download the full podcast sans commercials (well almost!)

Rose Davidson

Rose Davidson was also in Alaska a year before to work on the movie “Big Miracle” about whales trapped by ice and city of Barrow showed up to save them! She shares some stories as well.