Commercial Fishing Close Calls and Romance Novels!

Commercial Fishing Close Calls

Just how dangerous is Alaska commercial fishing? Deadly! Our Deadliest Catch Myth Buster, Mike Ferris, shares another close call in Bristol Bay!

(To hear just his interview: Time Stamp 10:45-17:50 )

Wildfire Season and Romance Novel Update

Lois Simenson, aka Lolo Paige, hints about her next book in her Blazing Hearts series,

Firestorm. Lois combines her background in wildfire fighting with romance to deliver a medium heat romance novel that takes us inside the world of firefighters in Alaska.

(To hear just Lolo's interview: Time Stamp 17:50-42:32)

Rootin' Tootin' Rotary Update

Past Alaska Rotary District Governor, Mike Ferris, gives May's Rotary update that deals with youth.

(To hear just Mike's Rotary update:

Time Stamp 42:33-49:10)

Mr. Fur Face Update!

Co-host, Mike Ford, updates us on the Mr. Fur Face, Beard and Mustache competition!

(Mr Fur Face only: Time Stamp 00-10:45 )

Commercial Fishing Close Calls and Romance Novels!
The Big Alaska Show